Welcome to Careleavers Inner Circle

An Identity and A Family for Every child leaving a Child care home after turning 18 (known as Careleaver)​.

Children connected
(15yr -18yr )
connected (18+)

Child Homes connected


CLiC cards Issued


ID documents made


Supported for Jobs


Supported for Housing​


Given Skill training


Given Financial support

Children connected
(15yr -18yr )
connected (18+)
Child Homes
Supported for
ID documents
CLiC cards Issued
Supported for
Given Skill training
Financial support

Our Partners

Here’s What You Should Know

Beyond 18 Leaving Child Care Institutions

Aug, 2019

The “Beyond 18- Leaving Child Care Institutions”, 2019, is one of the first studies conducted to identify & document the problems faced by youth transitioning out of institutional care. It emphasizes the importance of providing continuous support to these care leavers in areas like education, employment, and mental health. The report also offers policy recommendations to improve their integration into society and ensure their well-being.​

Central Government Order

Dec, 2023

A significant stepping stone towards addressing the challenges faced by care leavers, the Central Government issued this order. CLiC is proud to support the government in solving these issues and ensuring a smoother transition for Care Leavers into independent living.​

Care home से Career तक​

What lies behind these success stories ?

If you are a Careleaver, Join our growing Family

We are together solving the problem of Lonliness, Finding Accommodation, Education, Jobs & Marriage.

Invest in the future of Careleavers, see them grow

With your financial support Careleavers can complete education, get skilled for job or start a small shop of their own.

Be a Volunteer, a buddy to a Careleaver

Every kid is one caring adult away from being a success story” ​ – Josh Shipp, A Careleaver (USA).

Inviting Corporates and NGOs to be our Partner

Let us Collaborate and co-create Careleavers’ programs for maximum impact.

Growing Careleavers’ Family Across India​

Our family started coming together in Rajasthan, now Careleavers from other States are joining too.

We started assisting the Government of Rajasthan in creating awareness about Aftercare services to children leaving child care homes. We collaborated with Stakeholders like DCR, DCPUs, CWCs, Corporate Partners and other NGO partners to create a database & provide aftercare services to Careleavers of Rajasthan. We are grateful that other states have started understanding importance of fast track implementation of aftercare program and are becoming part of this movement. Here is the growing list of states & UTs joining us.​

Take a look on

How far we have come

CLiC - Happy place for every CareLeaver

Where they feel Safe, Loved, Welcomed and find opportunities to achieve their unique
awesome potential.

Where they feel Safe, Loved, Welcomed and find opportunities to achieve their unique awesome potential​.


Temporary Shelter


Skill Development


Job Support

Financial Support

Family Environment

Creating Innovative, Impactful,
Compassionate solutions for every Carelaever​

Creating Innovative, Impactful, Compassionate solutions for every Carelaever​

Hear it out from the team behind the scenes and know all about Careleavers​.

Witness these
Careleaving Stories


Stories of Hope : Hear from those touched by Us.

जब मैं 18 साल का था तो मुझे अपना आश्रय गृह छोड़ना पड़ा, कोई समर्थन और उचित मार्गदर्शन न मिलने के कारण मुझे सड़क पर सोना पड़ा। मुझे बहुत संघर्षों का सामना करना पड़ा। मुझे एक पुलिस स्टेशन में लगे एक पोस्टर से CLiC के बारे में पता चला और जब मैं उनके कार्यालय गया तो गिरीश ने मेरी मदद की और अपना जीवन बेहतर बनाने के लिए मेरा मार्गदर्शन किया।

Tarun Rajput

मैं अपना Care Home छोड़ने के बाद, मुझे किराया देने और अपने लिए नौकरी ढूंढने में समस्याओं का सामना करना पड़ा। CLiC मेरे जीवन में आया और इन समस्याओं से निपटने में मेरी मदद की। मैं भी CLiC के साथ रहकर अपने जैसे बच्चों की मदद करना चाहता हूं।


मैं भरत सिंह हूं, मैं जयपुर का रहने वाला हूं। 18 वर्ष की आयु पूरी करने पर, मैं CLiC में शामिल हो गया। गिरीश भैया ने शेफ के रूप में काम करने के मेरे सपने को पूरा करने में मेरी बहुत मदद की। उनकी मदद से, मैं जयपुर के एक अच्छे 5 सितारा होटल में रसोइया के रूप में काम कर रहा हूं और मेरी मदद करने के लिए मैं सीएलआईसी का आभारी हूं।


I faced some problems like higher studies and living room and financial problem etc. CLiC helped me skill improve like that digital literacy and simple English speaking that was good.


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