
Enabling Financial Indepedence and Literacy

Today’s blog is more on the educational side.

While living in child care institutions, children are kept in a protective environment. They have nothing to worry about. However, it is not the same when they are left to live independently after the age of 18 years. Due to disengagement, relocation, and early school exit, care leavers miss out on both crucial financial socialization in the home and financial instruction in school. Due to the lack of the skills necessary to manage their finances, many care leavers spend money when they have it with no sense of saving it and end up in debt.

I remember when I first received my pay, I was more keen to spend it on things I could afford rather than saving it because at home it was never the topic of discussion at home, and I feel all my fellow team members had gone through the similar experience. We gradually realised the need of financial literacy, but not every care leaver is fortunate enough to acquire the same understanding. As a result, we decided to host an online Income Tax Return Filing session to educate care leavers on how to file an ITR with the assistance of our mentor. Care leavers who attended the session heard the term Income Tax Return Filing for the very first time. As the discussion progressed, they were amazed and surprised to learn about the benefits of ITR filing, as many of them present had been working for a long time. My team ensured that every care leaver present at the session filed an ITR and supported those who needed assistance. To ensure that this information reaches a wider audience, the team created a video that explains each step of submitting the ITR online. 

Importance of filing Income Tax Retun

Overall, enabling financial independence and literacy for care leavers requires a holistic approach that addresses their unique needs and challenges. By providing education, access to financial products and services, mentoring and coaching, counselling and assistance, and employment opportunities, peer support and networking, and advocating for policies that support financial independence, we can help care leavers achieve their financial goals and build a brighter financial future.

“While applying for a visa recently I was asked to submit ITR filing of the last 3 years. Thanks to the session conducted that I was able to provide the information and understood the value of filing ITR.” – Care leaver

“I received 8000 INR as a TDS amount after I filed ITR which I didn’t know before attending the session. I was so happy to receive it.” – Care leaver

“I can now file ITR on my own without depending on anyone. I am glad I attended the session. It was helpful and now I encourage my friends to file ITR”- Care leaver

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